sMeta: FAQ

Here is a collection of frequently asked questions about sMeta:

How do I get started?

Here's some of the source of magoffin.matt.meta.MetadataResourceExample:

  public static void main(String[] argsthrows IOException {
    if ( args == null || args.length < 1 ) {
      System.err.println("Pass files to read metadata from.");
    // 1: get a MetadataResourceFactoryManager instance
    MetadataResourceFactoryManager manager 
      = MetadataResourceFactoryManager.getDefaultManagerInstance();
    for ( String filePath : args ) {
      File oneFile = new File(filePath);
      // 2: get a MetadataResourceFactory for this file type
      MetadataResourceFactory factory 
        = manager.getMetadataResourceFactory(oneFile);
      try {
        // 3: get a MetadataResource for this file
        MetadataResource metaResource 
          = factory.getMetadataResourceInstance(oneFile);
        // 4: print out all available metadata
        Iterable<Stringkeys = metaResource.getParsedKeys();
        System.out.println("\nMetadata for file [" 
          +oneFile.getAbsolutePath() +"]:");
        for ( String key : keys ) {
          System.out.println(key +" = " 
      } catch ( MetadataNotSupportedException e ) {
        System.err.println("File [" +oneFile.getAbsolutePath() 
            +"] is not supported by the [" 
            +factory.getClass().getName() +"] factory");

A sample of the output from this program is:

Metadata for file [src-test/magoffin/matt/meta/audio/id3v1.mp3]: SONG_NAME = Macgyver Theme ARTIST = Macgyver ALBUM = Macgyver (An ABC TV show) COMMENT = Almost as cool as the A-Team GENRE = Other Metadata for file [src-test/magoffin/matt/meta/image/IMG_1218.jpg]: APERTURE = 4.0 CAMERA_MAKE = Canon CAMERA_MODEL = Canon PowerShot G5 DATE_TAKEN = Thu Nov 13 18:10:25 NZDT 2003 EXPOSURE_BIAS = 0 EXPOSURE_TIME = 1/60 F_STOP = F4 FLASH = true FOCAL_LENGTH = 20.6875 ORIENTATION = 1 SHUTTER_SPEED = 1/60
How can I extract the album cover image from an MP3 file?

Look for a magoffin.matt.meta.MetadataImage object in the metdata returned for your MP3 file. This API provides an easy way to either get a java.awt.image.BufferedImage from the embedded image data, or write the unaltered image data to an

For example, running the magoffin.matt.meta.MetadataResourceExample on an MP3 with an embedded PNG image results in this:

Metadata for file [src-test/magoffin/matt/meta/audio/id3v2_4.mp3]: ALBUM = Album Name Here ALBUM_COVER = MetadataImage{image/png; 26781} ARTIST = MUSICMATCH SONG_NAME = MUSICMATCH Jukebox Plus Upgrade GENRE = Unclassifiable TRACK_NUM = 1 TRACK_TOTAL = 2 YEAR = 2002 BIT_RATE = 160 kbps (VBR) SAMPLE_RATE = 44.1 kHz AUDIO_FORMAT = MPEG-1, Layer 3

Note the ALBUM_COVER metadata key, which is an instance of magoffin.matt.meta.MetadataImage and is showing the image format (PNG) and size (26,781 bytes).

How can I extract a still frame from a video file?

This is handled in the same fashion as extracting the album cover from an MP3 file (above). The POSTER metadata key will contain a magoffin.matt.meta.MetadataImage if sMeta is able to extract a still frame from the video. For video formats with the ability to specify a poster frame (i.e. QuickTime) sMeta will extract that frame. For other video formats sMeta will extract the first frame.

Metadata for file []: WIDTH = 320 HEIGHT = 240 POSTER = MetadataImage{[image/png]; 320x240} DURATION = 167327 DURATION_TIME = 2:47.327 AUDIO_FORMAT = RTP MPEG4 Audio Packetizer, 32000.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo FPS = 14.985 VIDEO_FORMAT = MP4V, 24 bit Logo