Uses of Class

Packages that use ObjectLyrics3Image
org.farng.mp3.lyrics3 Start with Lyrics3v1 or Lyrics3v2 
org.farng.mp3.object Each tag is broken down into fields or fragments which are further broken down into Objects 

Uses of ObjectLyrics3Image in org.farng.mp3.lyrics3

Methods in org.farng.mp3.lyrics3 with parameters of type ObjectLyrics3Image
 void FieldBodyIMG.addImage(ObjectLyrics3Image image)

Constructors in org.farng.mp3.lyrics3 with parameters of type ObjectLyrics3Image
FieldBodyIMG(ObjectLyrics3Image image)
          Creates a new FieldBodyIMG object.

Uses of ObjectLyrics3Image in org.farng.mp3.object

Constructors in org.farng.mp3.object with parameters of type ObjectLyrics3Image
ObjectLyrics3Image(ObjectLyrics3Image copyObject)
          Creates a new ObjectLyrics3Image object.