Package org.farng.mp3

Start with AbstractMP3Tag or MP3File


Interface Summary
MP3AudioMetadata API for metadata about an MPEG audio stream
MP3MetadataContainer A container of MP3 metadata items.
MP3MetadataItem API for MP3 metadta items (ID3 tags, Lyrics3 objects, etc).
MP3Tag API for extracting various metdata from an MPEG audio file.

Class Summary
AbstractMP3FileItem This class is a facade for all classes that can write to an MP3 file.
AbstractMP3Fragment This class represents parts of tags.
AbstractMP3FragmentBody This class is contained in the AbstractMP3Fragment and represents the actual data of tags.
AbstractMP3Tag Introduction to tags
How is MP3 built?
MP3FileHelper Helper class for MP3 files, to extract metadata directly from MPEG audio itself (not any tags embedded in file).
TagConstant This contais all ID3 frame descriptions and Lyric3 field description.
TagOptionSingleton Options that are used for every object and class in this library.
TagUtility This is a holder class that contains static methods that I use in my library.

Exception Summary
InvalidTagException An InvalidTagException is thrown if a parse error occurs while a tag is being read from a file.
TagException This is the exception that is always generated by any class in these packages.
TagNotFoundException Thrown if the tag or MP3 Frame Header isn't found.

Package org.farng.mp3 Description

Start with AbstractMP3Tag or MP3File