Uses of Class

Packages that use MP3File
org.farng.mp3 Start with AbstractMP3Tag or MP3File 
org.farng.mp3.filename Start with FilenameTag 

Uses of MP3File in org.farng.mp3

Constructors in org.farng.mp3 with parameters of type MP3File
MP3File(MP3File copyObject)
          Creates a new MP3File object.

Uses of MP3File in org.farng.mp3.filename

Methods in org.farng.mp3.filename that return MP3File
 MP3File FilenameTag.getMp3file()

Methods in org.farng.mp3.filename with parameters of type MP3File
static FilenameTag FilenameTagBuilder.createFilenameTagFromMP3File(MP3File mp3File)
          This method will create a complete FilenameTag from the given mp3File and from the options in TagOptionSingleton.
 void FilenameTag.setMp3file(MP3File mp3file)
static void FilenameTagBuilder.updateCompositeFromAllTag(AbstractFilenameComposite composite, MP3File mp3File)
          Traverse the composite and set the class field to match frames from all three other tags that are already found in the MP3 file.