Class FrameBodyETCO

  extended by org.farng.mp3.AbstractMP3FileItem
      extended by org.farng.mp3.AbstractMP3FragmentBody
          extended by org.farng.mp3.id3.AbstractID3v2FrameBody
              extended by org.farng.mp3.id3.FrameBodyETCO
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FrameBodyETCO
extends AbstractID3v2FrameBody

4.5.   Event timing codes

   This frame allows synchronisation with key events in the audio. The
   header is:

     <Header for 'Event timing codes', ID: "ETCO">

     Time stamp format    $xx

   Where time stamp format is:

     $01  Absolute time, 32 bit sized, using MPEG [MPEG] frames as unit
     $02  Absolute time, 32 bit sized, using milliseconds as unit

   Absolute time means that every stamp contains the time from the
   beginning of the file.

   Followed by a list of key events in the following format:

     Type of event   $xx

     Time stamp      $xx (xx ...)

   The 'Time stamp' is set to zero if directly at the beginning of the
   sound or after the previous event. All events MUST be sorted in
   chronological order. The type of event is as follows:

     $00  padding (has no meaning)
     $01  end of initial silence
     $02  intro start

     $03  main part start
     $04  outro start
     $05  outro end

     $06  verse start
     $07  refrain start
     $08  interlude start

     $09  theme start
     $0A  variation start
     $0B  key change

     $0C  time change
     $0D  momentary unwanted noise (Snap, Crackle & Pop)
     $0E  sustained noise

     $0F  sustained noise end
     $10  intro end
     $11  main part end

     $12  verse end
     $13  refrain end
     $14  theme end

     $15  profanity
     $16  profanity end

     $17-$DF  reserved for future use

     $E0-$EF  not predefined synch 0-F

     $F0-$FC  reserved for future use

     $FD  audio end (start of silence)

     $FE  audio file ends
     $FF  one more byte of events follows (all the following bytes with
          the value $FF have the same function)

   Terminating the start events such as "intro start" is OPTIONAL. The
   'Not predefined synch's ($E0-EF) are for user events. You might want
   to synchronise your music to something, like setting off an explosion
   on-stage, activating a screensaver etc.

   There may only be one "ETCO" frame in each tag.

$Revision: 3 $
Eric Farng

Constructor Summary
          Creates a new FrameBodyETCO object.
FrameBodyETCO(byte timeStampFormat, byte event, int timeStamp)
          Creates a new FrameBodyETCO object.
FrameBodyETCO(FrameBodyETCO body)
          Creates a new FrameBodyETCO object.
FrameBodyETCO( file)
          Creates a new FrameBodyETCO object.
Method Summary
 void addGroup(byte event, int timeStamp)
 java.lang.String getIdentifier()
 java.lang.String getOwner()
 void getOwner(java.lang.String description)
protected  void setupObjectList()
          Create the order of MP3Object objects that this body expects.
Methods inherited from class org.farng.mp3.id3.AbstractID3v2FrameBody
equals, readHeader, writeHeader
Methods inherited from class org.farng.mp3.AbstractMP3FragmentBody
appendToObjectList, getBriefDescription, getDescription, getObject, getObjectListIterator, getSize, has6ByteHeader, isSubsetOf, iterator, read, setObject, toString, write
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FrameBodyETCO()
Creates a new FrameBodyETCO object.


public FrameBodyETCO(FrameBodyETCO body)
Creates a new FrameBodyETCO object.


public FrameBodyETCO(byte timeStampFormat,
                     byte event,
                     int timeStamp)
Creates a new FrameBodyETCO object.


public FrameBodyETCO( file)
Creates a new FrameBodyETCO object.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getIdentifier()
Specified by:
getIdentifier in class AbstractMP3FileItem


public java.lang.String getOwner()


public void getOwner(java.lang.String description)


public void addGroup(byte event,
                     int timeStamp)


protected void setupObjectList()
Description copied from class: AbstractMP3FragmentBody
Create the order of MP3Object objects that this body expects. This method needs to be overwritten.

Specified by:
setupObjectList in class AbstractMP3FragmentBody