Package org.farng.mp3.id3

Start with ID3v1, ID3v1_1, ID3v2_2, ID3v2_2Frame, ID3v2_3, ID3v2_3Frame, ID3v2_4, or ID3v2_4Frame.


Class Summary
AbstractFrameBodyTextInformation All frames starting with "T" are the same structurally and subclass from here
AbstractFrameBodyUrlLink All frames starting with "U" are the same structurally and subclass from here
AbstractID3 Superclass for all ID3 tags
AbstractID3v1 Superclass for all ID3v1 tags.
AbstractID3v2 Superclass for all ID3v2 tags
AbstractID3v2Frame This abstract class is each frame header inside a ID3v2 tag
AbstractID3v2FrameBody Each ID3v2 frame contains a header and then the payload.
AbstractPictureFrameBody Base implementation for v2.2 PIC and v2.3+ APIC frames.
FrameBodyAENC 4.19.   Audio encryption
FrameBodyAPIC 4.14.   Attached picture
FrameBodyASPI 4.30.   Audio seek point index
FrameBodyCOMM 4.10.   Comments
FrameBodyCOMR 4.24.   Commercial frame
FrameBodyCRM 4.20.
FrameBodyENCR 4.25.   Encryption method registration
FrameBodyEQU2 4.12.   Equalisation (2)
FrameBodyEQUA 4.13.Equalisation
FrameBodyETCO 4.5.   Event timing codes
FrameBodyGEOB 4.15.   General encapsulated object
FrameBodyGRID 4.26.   Group identification registration
FrameBodyIPLS 4.4.Involved people list
FrameBodyLINK 4.20.   Linked information
FrameBodyMCDI 4.4.   Music CD identifier
FrameBodyMLLT 4.6.   MPEG location lookup table
FrameBodyOWNE 4.23.   Ownership frame
FrameBodyPCNT 4.16.   Play counter
FrameBodyPIC 4.15.
FrameBodyPOPM 4.17.   Popularimeter
FrameBodyPOSS 4.21.   Position synchronisation frame
FrameBodyPRIV 4.27.   Private frame
FrameBodyRBUF 4.18.   Recommended buffer size
FrameBodyRVA2 4.11.   Relative volume adjustment (2)
FrameBodyRVAD 4.12.Relative volume adjustment
FrameBodyRVRB 4.13.   Reverb
FrameBodySEEK 4.29.   Seek frame
FrameBodySIGN 4.28.   Signature frame
FrameBodySYLT 4.9.   Synchronised lyrics/text
FrameBodySYTC    For a more accurate description of the tempo of a musical piece, this
   frame might be used.
FrameBodyTALB    The 'Album/Movie/Show title' frame is intended for the title of the
   recording (or source of sound) from which the audio in the file is


FrameBodyTBPM    The 'BPM' frame contains the number of beats per minute in the

   main part of the audio.

FrameBodyTCOM    The 'Composer' frame is intended for the name of the composer.
FrameBodyTCON    The 'Content type', which ID3v1 was stored as a one byte numeric

   value only, is now a string.

FrameBodyTCOP    The 'Copyright message' frame, in which the string must begin with a
   year and a space character (making five characters), is intended for

   the copyright holder of the original sound, not the audio file


The 'Date' frame is a numeric string in the DDMM format containing the date for the recording.
FrameBodyTDEN    The 'Encoding time' frame contains a timestamp describing when the

   audio was encoded.

FrameBodyTDLY    The 'Playlist delay' defines the numbers of milliseconds of silence
   that should be inserted before this audio.
FrameBodyTDOR    The 'Original release time' frame contains a timestamp describing

   when the original recording of the audio was released.

FrameBodyTDRC    The 'Recording time' frame contains a timestamp describing when the

   audio was recorded.

FrameBodyTDRL    The 'Release time' frame contains a timestamp describing when the

   audio was first released.

FrameBodyTDTG    The 'Tagging time' frame contains a timestamp describing then the

   audio was tagged.

FrameBodyTENC    The 'Encoded by' frame contains the name of the person or
   organisation that encoded the audio file.
FrameBodyTEXT    The 'Lyricist/Text writer' frame is intended for the writer of the
   text or lyrics in the recording.
FrameBodyTFLT    The 'File type' frame indicates which type of audio this tag defines.
   The following types and refinements are defined:

The 'Time' frame is a numeric string in the HHMM format containing the time for the recording.
FrameBodyTIPL    The 'Involved people list' is very similar to the musician credits
   list, but maps between functions, like producer, and names.
FrameBodyTIT1    The 'Content group description' frame is used if the sound belongs to
   a larger category of sounds/music.
FrameBodyTIT2    The 'Title/Songname/Content description' frame is the actual name of
   the piece (e.g.
FrameBodyTIT3    The 'Subtitle/Description refinement' frame is used for information
   directly related to the contents title (e.g.
FrameBodyTKEY    The 'Initial key' frame contains the musical key in which the sound
FrameBodyTLAN    The 'Language' frame should contain the languages of the text or
   lyrics spoken or sung in the audio.
FrameBodyTLEN    The 'Length' frame contains the length of the audio file in

   milliseconds, represented as a numeric string.

FrameBodyTMCL    The 'Musician credits list' is intended as a mapping between
   instruments and the musician that played it.
FrameBodyTMED    The 'Media type' frame describes from which media the sound
FrameBodyTMOO    The 'Mood' frame is intended to reflect the mood of the audio with a
   few keywords, e.g.
FrameBodyTOAL    The 'Original album/movie/show title' frame is intended for the title
   of the original recording (or source of sound), if for example the

   music in the file should be a cover of a previously released song.

FrameBodyTOFN    The 'Original filename' frame contains the preferred filename for the
   file, since some media doesn't allow the desired length of the


FrameBodyTOLY    The 'Original lyricist/text writer' frame is intended for the

   text writer of the original recording, if for example the music in
   the file should be a cover of a previously released song.

FrameBodyTOPE    The 'Original artist/performer' frame is intended for the performer
   of the original recording, if for example the music in the file
   should be a cover of a previously released song.

The 'Original release year' frame is intended for the year when the original recording, if for example the music in the file should be a cover of a previously released song, was released.
FrameBodyTOWN    The 'File owner/licensee' frame contains the name of the owner or

   licensee of the file and it's contents.

FrameBodyTPE1    The 'Lead artist/Lead performer/Soloist/Performing group' is
   used for the main artist.
FrameBodyTPE2    The 'Band/Orchestra/Accompaniment' frame is used for additional

   information about the performers in the recording.

FrameBodyTPE3    The 'Conductor' frame is used for the name of the conductor.
FrameBodyTPE4    The 'Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by' frame contains
   more information about the people behind a remix and similar
   interpretations of another existing piece.
FrameBodyTPOS    The 'Part of a set' frame is a numeric string that describes which
   part of a set the audio came from.
FrameBodyTPRO    The 'Produced notice' frame, in which the string must begin with a
   year and a space character (making five characters), is intended for

   the production copyright holder of the original sound, not the audio
   file itself.

FrameBodyTPUB    The 'Publisher' frame simply contains the name of the label or
FrameBodyTRCK    The 'Track number/Position in set' frame is a numeric string
   containing the order number of the audio-file on its original



The 'Recording dates' frame is a intended to be used as complement to the "TYER", "TDAT" and "TIME" frames.
FrameBodyTRSN    The 'Internet radio station name' frame contains the name of the
   internet radio station from which the audio is streamed.
FrameBodyTRSO    The 'Internet radio station owner' frame contains the name of the
   owner of the internet radio station from which the audio is

The 'Size' frame contains the size of the audiofile in bytes, excluding the ID3v2 tag, represented as a numeric string.
FrameBodyTSOA    The 'Album sort order' frame defines a string which should be used
   instead of the album name (TALB) for sorting purposes.
FrameBodyTSOP    The 'Performer sort order' frame defines a string which should be
   used instead of the performer (TPE2) for sorting purposes.
FrameBodyTSOT    The 'Title sort order' frame defines a string which should be used
   instead of the title (TIT2) for sorting purposes.
FrameBodyTSRC    The 'ISRC' frame should contain the International Standard Recording
   Code [ISRC] (12 characters).
FrameBodyTSSE    The 'Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding' frame

   includes the used audio encoder and its settings when the file was

FrameBodyTSST    The 'Set subtitle' frame is intended for the subtitle of the part of
   a set this track belongs to.
FrameBodyTXXX    This frame is intended for one-string text information concerning the
   audio file in a similar way to the other "T"-frames.

The 'Year' frame is a numeric string with a year of the recording.
FrameBodyUFID 4.1.   Unique file identifier
FrameBodyUnsupported This frame is used if the frame identifier is not recognized.
FrameBodyUSER 4.22.   Terms of use frame
FrameBodyUSLT 4.8.   Unsynchronised lyrics/text transcription
FrameBodyWCOM    The 'Commercial information' frame is a URL pointing at a webpage
   with information such as where the album can be bought.
FrameBodyWCOP    The 'Copyright/Legal information' frame is a URL pointing at a
   webpage where the terms of use and ownership of the file is
FrameBodyWOAF    The 'Official audio file webpage' frame is a URL pointing at a file
   specific webpage.
FrameBodyWOAR    The 'Official artist/performer webpage' frame is a URL pointing at
   the artists official webpage.
FrameBodyWOAS    The 'Official audio source webpage' frame is a URL pointing at the
   official webpage for the source of the audio file, e.g.
FrameBodyWORS    The 'Official Internet radio station homepage' contains a URL
   pointing at the homepage of the internet radio station.
FrameBodyWPAY    The 'Payment' frame is a URL pointing at a webpage that will handle

   the process of paying for this file.

FrameBodyWPUB    The 'Publishers official webpage' frame is a URL pointing at the
   official webpage for the publisher.
FrameBodyWXXX    This frame is intended for URL [URL] links concerning the audio file
   in a similar way to the other "W"-frames.
What is ID3 (v1)?
What is ID3v1.1?
ID3v1Iterator This is a manual iterator for an ID3v2 tag

The two biggest design goals were to be able to implement ID3v2 without disturbing old software too much and that ID3v2 should be expandable.


The headers of the frames are similar in their construction.


The two biggest design goals were to be able to implement ID3v2 without disturbing old software too much and that ID3v2 should be as flexible and expandable as possible.


The extended header contains information that is not vital to the correct parsing of the tag information, hence the extended header is optional.

ID3v2_4    ID3v2 is a general tagging format for audio, which makes it possible
   to store meta data about the audio inside the audio file itself.
ID3v2_4Frame    All ID3v2 frames consists of one frame header followed by one or more
   fields containing the actual information.

Package org.farng.mp3.id3 Description

Start with ID3v1, ID3v1_1, ID3v2_2, ID3v2_2Frame, ID3v2_3, ID3v2_3Frame, ID3v2_4, or ID3v2_4Frame.