Class FrameBodyIPLS

  extended by org.farng.mp3.AbstractMP3FileItem
      extended by org.farng.mp3.AbstractMP3FragmentBody
          extended by org.farng.mp3.id3.AbstractID3v2FrameBody
              extended by org.farng.mp3.id3.FrameBodyIPLS
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FrameBodyIPLS
extends AbstractID3v2FrameBody

4.4.Involved people list

Since there might be a lot of people contributing to an audio file in various ways, such as musicians and technicians, the 'Text information frames' are often insufficient to list everyone involved in a project. The 'Involved people list' is a frame containing the names of those involved, and how they were involved. The body simply contains a terminated string with the involvement directly followed by a terminated string with the involvee followed by a new involvement and so on. There may only be one "IPLS" frame in each tag.

<Header for 'Involved people list', ID: "IPLS">
Text encoding$xx
People list strings<text strings according to encoding>

$Revision: 3 $
Eric Farng

Constructor Summary
          Creates a new FrameBodyIPLS object.
FrameBodyIPLS(FrameBodyIPLS body)
          Creates a new FrameBodyIPLS object.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getIdentifier()
protected  void setupObjectList()
          Create the order of MP3Object objects that this body expects.
Methods inherited from class org.farng.mp3.id3.AbstractID3v2FrameBody
equals, readHeader, writeHeader
Methods inherited from class org.farng.mp3.AbstractMP3FragmentBody
appendToObjectList, getBriefDescription, getDescription, getObject, getObjectListIterator, getSize, has6ByteHeader, isSubsetOf, iterator, read, setObject, toString, write
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FrameBodyIPLS()
Creates a new FrameBodyIPLS object.


public FrameBodyIPLS(FrameBodyIPLS body)
Creates a new FrameBodyIPLS object.

Method Detail


protected void setupObjectList()
Description copied from class: AbstractMP3FragmentBody
Create the order of MP3Object objects that this body expects. This method needs to be overwritten.

Specified by:
setupObjectList in class AbstractMP3FragmentBody


public java.lang.String getIdentifier()
Specified by:
getIdentifier in class AbstractMP3FileItem