Class FrameBodySYTC

  extended by org.farng.mp3.AbstractMP3FileItem
      extended by org.farng.mp3.AbstractMP3FragmentBody
          extended by org.farng.mp3.id3.AbstractID3v2FrameBody
              extended by org.farng.mp3.id3.FrameBodySYTC
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FrameBodySYTC
extends AbstractID3v2FrameBody

   For a more accurate description of the tempo of a musical piece, this
   frame might be used. After the header follows one byte describing
   which time stamp format should be used. Then follows one or more

   tempo codes. Each tempo code consists of one tempo part and one time
   part. The tempo is in BPM described with one or two bytes. If the
   first byte has the value $FF, one more byte follows, which is added
   to the first giving a range from 2 - 510 BPM, since $00 and $01 is
   reserved. $00 is used to describe a beat-free time period, which is

   not the same as a music-free time period. $01 is used to indicate one
   single beat-stroke followed by a beat-free period.

   The tempo descriptor is followed by a time stamp. Every time the
   tempo in the music changes, a tempo descriptor may indicate this for
   the player. All tempo descriptors MUST be sorted in chronological

   order. The first beat-stroke in a time-period is at the same time as
   the beat description occurs. There may only be one "SYTC" frame in
   each tag.

     <Header for 'Synchronised tempo codes', ID: "SYTC">
     Time stamp format   $xx
     Tempo data          <binary data>

   Where time stamp format is:

     $01  Absolute time, 32 bit sized, using MPEG [MPEG] frames as unit
     $02  Absolute time, 32 bit sized, using milliseconds as unit

   Absolute time means that every stamp contains the time from the

   beginning of the file.

$Revision: 3 $
Eric Farng

Constructor Summary
          Creates a new FrameBodySYTC object.
FrameBodySYTC(FrameBodySYTC body)
          Creates a new FrameBodySYTC object.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getIdentifier()
protected  void setupObjectList()
          Create the order of MP3Object objects that this body expects.
Methods inherited from class org.farng.mp3.id3.AbstractID3v2FrameBody
equals, readHeader, writeHeader
Methods inherited from class org.farng.mp3.AbstractMP3FragmentBody
appendToObjectList, getBriefDescription, getDescription, getObject, getObjectListIterator, getSize, has6ByteHeader, isSubsetOf, iterator, read, setObject, toString, write
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FrameBodySYTC()
Creates a new FrameBodySYTC object.


public FrameBodySYTC(FrameBodySYTC body)
Creates a new FrameBodySYTC object.

Method Detail


protected void setupObjectList()
Description copied from class: AbstractMP3FragmentBody
Create the order of MP3Object objects that this body expects. This method needs to be overwritten.

Specified by:
setupObjectList in class AbstractMP3FragmentBody


public java.lang.String getIdentifier()
Specified by:
getIdentifier in class AbstractMP3FileItem