Class ID3v2_4

  extended by org.farng.mp3.AbstractMP3FileItem
      extended by org.farng.mp3.AbstractMP3Tag
          extended by org.farng.mp3.id3.AbstractID3
              extended by org.farng.mp3.id3.AbstractID3v2
                  extended by org.farng.mp3.id3.ID3v2_2
                      extended by org.farng.mp3.id3.ID3v2_3
                          extended by org.farng.mp3.id3.ID3v2_4
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ID3v2_4
extends ID3v2_3

   ID3v2 is a general tagging format for audio, which makes it possible
   to store meta data about the audio inside the audio file itself. The
   ID3 tag described in this document is mainly targeted at files
   encoded with MPEG-1/2 layer I, MPEG-1/2 layer II, MPEG-1/2 layer III
   and MPEG-2.5, but may work with other types of encoded audio or as a
   stand alone format for audio meta data.

   ID3v2 is designed to be as flexible and expandable as possible to
   meet new meta information needs that might arise. To achieve that
   ID3v2 is constructed as a container for several information blocks,
   called frames, whose format need not be known to the software that
   encounters them. At the start of every frame is an unique and
   predefined identifier, a size descriptor that allows software to skip
   unknown frames and a flags field. The flags describes encoding
   details and if the frame should remain in the tag, should it be
   unknown to the software, if the file is altered.

   The bitorder in ID3v2 is most significant bit first (MSB). The
   byteorder in multibyte numbers is most significant byte first (e.g.
   $12345678 would be encoded $12 34 56 78), also known as big endian
   and network byte order.

   Overall tag structure:

Header (10 bytes)

Extended Header (variable length, OPTIONAL)
Frames (variable length)
Padding (variable length, OPTIONAL)
Footer (10 bytes, OPTIONAL)

   In general, padding and footer are mutually exclusive. See details in
   sections 3.3, 3.4 and 5.

3.1.   ID3v2 header

   The first part of the ID3v2 tag is the 10 byte tag header, laid out
   as follows:

     ID3v2/file identifier      "ID3"
     ID3v2 version              $04 00
     ID3v2 flags                %abcd0000
     ID3v2 size             4 * %0xxxxxxx

   The first three bytes of the tag are always "ID3", to indicate that
   this is an ID3v2 tag, directly followed by the two version bytes. The
   first byte of ID3v2 version is its major version, while the second
   byte is its revision number. In this case this is ID3v2.4.0. All
   revisions are backwards compatible while major versions are not. If
   software with ID3v2.4.0 and below support should encounter version
   five or higher it should simply ignore the whole tag. Version or
   revision will never be $FF.

   The version is followed by the ID3v2 flags field, of which currently
   four flags are used.

   a - Unsynchronisation

     Bit 7 in the 'ID3v2 flags' indicates whether or not
     unsynchronisation is applied on all frames (see section 6.1 for
     details); a set bit indicates usage.

   b - Extended header

     The second bit (bit 6) indicates whether or not the header is
     followed by an extended header. The extended header is described in
     section 3.2. A set bit indicates the presence of an extended

   c - Experimental indicator

     The third bit (bit 5) is used as an 'experimental indicator'. This
     flag SHALL always be set when the tag is in an experimental stage.

   d - Footer present

     Bit 4 indicates that a footer (section 3.4) is present at the very
     end of the tag. A set bit indicates the presence of a footer.

   All the other flags MUST be cleared. If one of these undefined flags
   are set, the tag might not be readable for a parser that does not
   know the flags function.

   The ID3v2 tag size is stored as a 32 bit synchsafe integer (section
   6.2), making a total of 28 effective bits (representing up to 256MB).

   The ID3v2 tag size is the sum of the byte length of the extended
   header, the padding and the frames after unsynchronisation. If a
   footer is present this equals to ('total size' - 20) bytes, otherwise
   ('total size' - 10) bytes.

   An ID3v2 tag can be detected with the following pattern:
     $49 44 33 yy yy xx zz zz zz zz
   Where yy is less than $FF, xx is the 'flags' byte and zz is less than

3.2. Extended header

   The extended header contains information that can provide further
   insight in the structure of the tag, but is not vital to the correct
   parsing of the tag information; hence the extended header is

     Extended header size   4 * %0xxxxxxx
     Number of flag bytes       $01
     Extended Flags             $xx

   Where the 'Extended header size' is the size of the whole extended
   header, stored as a 32 bit synchsafe integer. An extended header can
   thus never have a size of fewer than six bytes.

   The extended flags field, with its size described by 'number of flag
   bytes', is defined as:


   Each flag that is set in the extended header has data attached, which
   comes in the order in which the flags are encountered (i.e. the data
   for flag 'b' comes before the data for flag 'c'). Unset flags cannot
   have any attached data. All unknown flags MUST be unset and their
   corresponding data removed when a tag is modified.

   Every set flag's data starts with a length byte, which contains a
   value between 0 and 127 ($00 - $7f), followed by data that has the
   field length indicated by the length byte. If a flag has no attached
   data, the value $00 is used as length byte.

   b - Tag is an update

     If this flag is set, the present tag is an update of a tag found
     earlier in the present file or stream. If frames defined as unique
     are found in the present tag, they are to override any
     corresponding ones found in the earlier tag. This flag has no
     corresponding data.

         Flag data length      $00

   c - CRC data present

     If this flag is set, a CRC-32 [ISO-3309] data is included in the
     extended header. The CRC is calculated on all the data between the
     header and footer as indicated by the header's tag length field,
     minus the extended header. Note that this includes the padding (if
     there is any), but excludes the footer. The CRC-32 is stored as an
     35 bit synchsafe integer, leaving the upper four bits always

        Flag data length       $05
        Total frame CRC    5 * %0xxxxxxx

   d - Tag restrictions

     For some applications it might be desired to restrict a tag in more
     ways than imposed by the ID3v2 specification. Note that the
     presence of these restrictions does not affect how the tag is
     decoded, merely how it was restricted before encoding. If this flag
     is set the tag is restricted as follows:

        Flag data length       $01
        Restrictions           %ppqrrstt

     p - Tag size restrictions

       00   No more than 128 frames and 1 MB total tag size.
       01   No more than 64 frames and 128 KB total tag size.
       10   No more than 32 frames and 40 KB total tag size.
       11   No more than 32 frames and 4 KB total tag size.

     q - Text encoding restrictions

       0    No restrictions
       1    Strings are only encoded with ISO-8859-1 [ISO-8859-1] or
            UTF-8 [UTF-8].

     r - Text fields size restrictions

       00   No restrictions
       01   No string is longer than 1024 characters.
       10   No string is longer than 128 characters.
       11   No string is longer than 30 characters.

       Note that nothing is said about how many bytes is used to
       represent those characters, since it is encoding dependent. If a
       text frame consists of more than one string, the sum of the
       strungs is restricted as stated.

     s - Image encoding restrictions

       0   No restrictions
       1   Images are encoded only with PNG [PNG] or JPEG [JFIF].

     t - Image size restrictions

       00  No restrictions
       01  All images are 256x256 pixels or smaller.
       10  All images are 64x64 pixels or smaller.
       11  All images are exactly 64x64 pixels, unless required

3.3.   Padding

   It is OPTIONAL to include padding after the final frame (at the end
   of the ID3 tag), making the size of all the frames together smaller
   than the size given in the tag header. A possible purpose of this
   padding is to allow for adding a few additional frames or enlarge
   existing frames within the tag without having to rewrite the entire
   file. The value of the padding bytes must be $00. A tag MUST NOT have
   any padding between the frames or between the tag header and the
   frames. Furthermore it MUST NOT have any padding when a tag footer is
   added to the tag.

3.4.   ID3v2 footer

   To speed up the process of locating an ID3v2 tag when searching from
   the end of a file, a footer can be added to the tag. It is REQUIRED
   to add a footer to an appended tag, i.e. a tag located after all
   audio data. The footer is a copy of the header, but with a different

     ID3v2 identifier           "3DI"
     ID3v2 version              $04 00
     ID3v2 flags                %abcd0000
     ID3v2 size             4 * %0xxxxxxx

   The default location of an ID3v2 tag is prepended to the audio so
   that players can benefit from the information when the data is
   streamed. It is however possible to append the tag, or make a
   prepend/append combination. When deciding upon where an unembedded
   tag should be located, the following order of preference SHOULD be

     1. Prepend the tag.

     2. Prepend a tag with all vital information and add a second tag at
        the end of the file, before tags from other tagging systems. The
        first tag is required to have a SEEK frame.

     3. Add a tag at the end of the file, before tags from other tagging

   In case 2 and 3 the tag can simply be appended if no other known tags
   are present. The suggested method to find ID3v2 tags are:

     1. Look for a prepended tag using the pattern found in section 3.1.

     2. If a SEEK frame was found, use its values to guide further

     3. Look for a tag footer, scanning from the back of the file.

   For every new tag that is found, the old tag should be discarded
   unless the update flag in the extended header (section 3.2) is set.

6.   Unsynchronisation

   The only purpose of unsynchronisation is to make the ID3v2 tag as
   compatible as possible with existing software and hardware. There is
   no use in 'unsynchronising' tags if the file is only to be processed
   only by ID3v2 aware software and hardware. Unsynchronisation is only
   useful with tags in MPEG 1/2 layer I, II and III, MPEG 2.5 and AAC

$Revision: 3 $
Eric Farng

Field Summary
protected  boolean footer
protected  byte imageEncodingRestriction
protected  byte imageSizeRestriction
protected  boolean tagRestriction
protected  byte tagSizeRestriction
protected  byte textEncodingRestriction
protected  byte textFieldSizeRestriction
protected  boolean updateTag
Fields inherited from class org.farng.mp3.id3.ID3v2_3
crcData, crcDataFlag, experimental, extended, paddingSize
Fields inherited from class org.farng.mp3.id3.ID3v2_2
compression, unsynchronization
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new ID3v2_4 object.
ID3v2_4(AbstractMP3Tag mp3tag)
          Creates a new ID3v2_4 object.
ID3v2_4(ID3v2_4 copyObject)
          Creates a new ID3v2_4 object.
ID3v2_4( file)
          Creates a new ID3v2_4 object.
Method Summary
 void append(AbstractMP3Tag tag)
          This method does nothing, but is called by subclasses for completeness
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          Determines whether another object is equal to this tag.
 java.lang.String getIdentifier()
 int getSize()
 java.lang.String getYearReleased()
          Get the year the song was released.
 void overwrite(AbstractMP3Tag tag)
          This method does nothing, but is called by subclasses for completeness
 void read( file)
          import; import; read from current file pointer position.
 boolean seek( file)
          Looks for this tag.
 void setYearReleased(java.lang.String yearReleased)
 java.lang.String toString()
 void write(AbstractMP3Tag tag)
          This method does nothing, but is called by subclasses for completeness
 void write( file)
          Method to write this object to the file argument at is current file pointer position.
Methods inherited from class org.farng.mp3.id3.ID3v2_3
getAlbumTitle, getAuthorComposer, getLeadArtist, getSongComment, getSongGenre, getSongLyric, getSongTitle, getTrackNumberOnAlbum, setAlbumTitle, setAuthorComposer, setLeadArtist, setSongComment, setSongGenre, setSongLyric, setSongTitle, setTrackNumberOnAlbum
Methods inherited from class org.farng.mp3.id3.AbstractID3v2
append, appendDuplicateFrameId, byteArrayToSize, clearFrameMap, decrementPaddingCounter, delete, getDuplicateBytes, getDuplicateFrameId, getEmptyFrameBytes, getFileReadBytes, getFrame, getFrameCount, getFrameIterator, getFrameOfType, getInvalidFrameBytes, getMajorVersion, getPaddingCounter, getPaddingSize, getRevision, hasFrame, hasFrameOfType, incrementDuplicateBytes, incrementEmptyFrameBytes, incrementInvalidFrameBytes, incrementPaddingCounter, iterator, overwrite, removeFrame, removeFrameOfType, resetPaddingCounter, setFileReadBytes, setFrame, setMajorVersion, setPaddingSize, setRevision, sizeToByteArray, values
Methods inherited from class org.farng.mp3.AbstractMP3Tag
Methods inherited from class org.farng.mp3.AbstractMP3FileItem
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected boolean footer


protected boolean tagRestriction


protected boolean updateTag


protected byte imageEncodingRestriction


protected byte imageSizeRestriction


protected byte tagSizeRestriction


protected byte textEncodingRestriction


protected byte textFieldSizeRestriction
Constructor Detail


public ID3v2_4()
Creates a new ID3v2_4 object.


public ID3v2_4(ID3v2_4 copyObject)
Creates a new ID3v2_4 object.


public ID3v2_4(AbstractMP3Tag mp3tag)
Creates a new ID3v2_4 object.


public ID3v2_4( file)
        throws TagException,
Creates a new ID3v2_4 object.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getIdentifier()
getIdentifier in class ID3v2_3


public int getSize()
getSize in class ID3v2_3


public void append(AbstractMP3Tag tag)
Description copied from class: AbstractMP3Tag
This method does nothing, but is called by subclasses for completeness

append in class ID3v2_3
tag - tag to overwrite


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Description copied from class: AbstractMP3Tag
Determines whether another object is equal to this tag. It just compares if they are the same class, then calls super.equals(object).

equals in class ID3v2_3
obj - object to determine equality of
true if this object and its body are equal


public void overwrite(AbstractMP3Tag tag)
Description copied from class: AbstractMP3Tag
This method does nothing, but is called by subclasses for completeness

overwrite in class ID3v2_3
tag - tag to overwrite


public void read( file)
          throws TagException,
Description copied from class: AbstractMP3FileItem
import; import; read from current file pointer position.

read in class ID3v2_3
file - file to read from
TagException - on any exception generated by this library. - on any I/O error


public boolean seek( file)
Description copied from class: AbstractMP3Tag
Looks for this tag. returns true if found. If found, the file pointer is right after the tag start indicator i.e. "TAG" "LYRICSBEGIN" "ID3" + 2

seek in class ID3v2_3
file - MP3 file to overwrite
returns true if found, false otherwise.
Throws: - on any I/O error


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class ID3v2_3


public void write(AbstractMP3Tag tag)
Description copied from class: AbstractMP3Tag
This method does nothing, but is called by subclasses for completeness

write in class ID3v2_3
tag - tag to write to


public void write( file)
Description copied from class: AbstractMP3FileItem
Method to write this object to the file argument at is current file pointer position.

write in class ID3v2_3
file - file to write to
Throws: - on any I/O error


public java.lang.String getYearReleased()
Description copied from interface: MP3Tag
Get the year the song was released.

Specified by:
getYearReleased in interface MP3Tag
getYearReleased in class ID3v2_3


public void setYearReleased(java.lang.String yearReleased)
setYearReleased in class ID3v2_3