public class ID3v2_4Frame
All ID3v2 frames consists of one frame header followed by one or more
containing the actual information. The header is always 10
bytes and laid out as follows:
Frame ID $xx xx xx xx (four characters)
Size 4 * %0xxxxxxx
Flags $xx xx
The frame ID is made out of the characters capital A-Z and 0-9.
beginning with "X", "Y" and "Z" are for experimental
frames and free
for everyone to use, without the need to set the
experimental bit in the tag header. Bear in mind
that someone else
might have used the same identifier as you. All other identifiers are
either used or reserved for future use.
The frame ID is followed by a size descriptor containing the size of
the data in the
final frame, after encryption, compression and
unsynchronisation. The size is excluding the frame
header ('total
frame size' - 10 bytes) and stored as a 32 bit synchsafe integer.
In the frame header the size descriptor is followed by two flag
bytes. These flags
are described in section 4.1.
There is no fixed order of the frames' appearance in the tag,
although it is desired
that the frames are arranged in order of
significance concerning the recognition of the file. An
example of
such order: UFID, TIT2, MCDI, TRCK ...
A tag MUST contain at least one frame. A frame must be at least 1
byte big,
excluding the header.
If nothing else is said, strings, including numeric strings and URLs
[URL], are
represented as ISO-8859-1 [ISO-8859-1] characters in the
range $20 - $FF. Such strings are
represented in frame descriptions
as <text string>, or <full text string> if newlines
are allowed. If
nothing else is said newline character is forbidden. In ISO-8859-1 a
newline is represented, when allowed, with $0A only.
Frames that allow different types of text encoding contains a text
description byte. Possible encodings:
$00 ISO-8859-1 [ISO-8859-1]. Terminated with $00.
$01 UTF-16 [UTF-16] encoded Unicode [UNICODE] with BOM. All
strings in the same frame SHALL have the same
Terminated with $00 00.
$02 UTF-16BE [UTF-16] encoded Unicode [UNICODE] without BOM.
Terminated with $00 00.
$03 UTF-8 [UTF-8] encoded Unicode [UNICODE]. Terminated with $00.
Strings dependent on encoding are represented in frame descriptions
as <text
string according to encoding>, or <full text string
according to encoding> if newlines are
allowed. Any empty strings of
type $01 which are NULL-terminated may have the Unicode BOM
by a Unicode NULL ($FF FE 00 00 or $FE FF 00 00).
The timestamp fields are based on a subset of ISO 8601. When being as
precise as
possible the format of a time string is
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss (year, "-", month,
"-", day, "T", hour (out of
24), ":", minutes, ":",
seconds), but the precision may be reduced by
removing as many time indicators as wanted. Hence
valid timestamps
yyyy, yyyy-MM, yyyy-MM-dd, yyyy-MM-ddTHH, yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss. All time stamps are UTC. For durations, use
the slash
character as described in 8601, and for multiple non-
contiguous dates, use multiple strings, if
allowed by the frame
The three byte language field, present in several frames, is used to
describe the
language of the frame's content, according to ISO-639-2
[ISO-639-2]. The language should be
represented in lower case. If the
language is not known the string "XXX" should be
All URLs [URL] MAY be relative, e.g. "picture.png", "../doc.txt".
If a frame is longer than it should be, e.g. having more fields than
specified in
this document, that indicates that additions to the
frame have been made in a later version of the
ID3v2 standard. This
is reflected by the revision number in the header of the tag.
In the frame header the size descriptor is followed by two flag
bytes. All unused
flags MUST be cleared. The first byte is for
'status messages' and the second byte is a format
description. If an
unknown flag is set in the first byte the frame MUST NOT be changed
without that bit cleared. If an unknown flag is set in the second
byte the frame is
likely to not be readable. Some flags in the second
byte indicates that extra information is added
to the header. These
fields of extra information is ordered as the flags that indicates
them. The flags field is defined as follows (l and o left out because
ther resemblence
to one and zero):
%0abc0000 %0h00kmnp
Some frame format flags indicate that additional information fields
are added to the
frame. This information is added after the frame
header and before the frame data in the same order
as the flags that
indicates them. I.e. the four bytes of decompressed size will precede
the encryption method byte. These additions affects the 'frame size'
field, but are not
subject to encryption or compression.
The default status flags setting for a frame is, unless stated
otherwise, 'preserved
if tag is altered' and 'preserved if file is
altered', i.e. %00000000.
a - Tag alter preservation
This flag tells the tag parser what to do with this frame if it is
unknown and the tag is altered in any way. This applies to all
kinds of alterations, including adding more padding and reordering
the frames.
0 Frame should be preserved.
1 Frame should be discarded.
b - File alter preservation
This flag tells the tag parser what to do with this frame if it is
unknown and the file, excluding the tag, is altered. This does not
apply when the audio is completely replaced with other audio data.
0 Frame should be preserved.
1 Frame should be discarded.
c - Read only
This flag, if set, tells the software that the contents of this
frame are intended to be read only. Changing the contents might
break something, e.g. a signature. If the contents are changed,
without knowledge of why the frame was flagged read only and
without taking the proper means to compensate, e.g. recalculating
the signature, the bit MUST be cleared.
h - Grouping identity
This flag indicates whether or not this frame belongs in a group
with other frames. If set, a group identifier byte is added to the
frame. Every frame with the same group identifier belongs to the
same group.
0 Frame does not contain group information
1 Frame contains group information
k - Compression
This flag indicates whether or not the frame is compressed.
A 'Data Length Indicator' byte MUST be included in the frame.
0 Frame is not compressed.
1 Frame is compressed using zlib [zlib] deflate method.
If set, this requires the 'Data Length Indicator'
to be set as well.
m - Encryption
This flag indicates whether or not the frame is encrypted. If set,
one byte indicating with which method it was encrypted will be
added to the frame. See description of the ENCR frame for more
information about encryption method registration. Encryption
should be done after compression. Whether or not setting this flag
requires the presence of a 'Data Length Indicator' depends on the
specific algorithm used.
0 Frame is not encrypted.
1 Frame is encrypted.
n - Unsynchronisation
This flag indicates whether or not unsynchronisation was applied
to this frame. See section 6 for details on unsynchronisation.
If this flag is set all data from the end of this header to the
end of this frame has been unsynchronised. Although desirable, the
presence of a 'Data Length Indicator' is not made mandatory by
0 Frame has not been unsynchronised.
1 Frame has been unsyrchronised.
p - Data length indicator
This flag indicates that a data length indicator has been added to
the frame. The data length indicator is the value one would write
as the 'Frame length' if all of the frame format flags were
zeroed, represented as a 32 bit synchsafe integer.
0 There is no Data Length Indicator.
1 A data length Indicator has been added to the
Field Summary | |
protected boolean |
protected boolean |
Fields inherited from class org.farng.mp3.id3.ID3v2_3Frame |
compression, encryption, fileAlterPreservation, groupingIdentity, readOnly, tagAlterPreservation |
Constructor Summary | |
Creates a new ID3v2_4Frame object. |
ID3v2_4Frame(AbstractID3v2Frame frame)
Creates a new ID3v2_4Frame object. |
ID3v2_4Frame(AbstractID3v2FrameBody body)
Creates a new ID3v2_4Frame object. |
ID3v2_4Frame(boolean readOnly,
boolean groupingIdentity,
boolean compression,
boolean encryption,
boolean unsynchronization,
boolean dataLengthIndicator,
AbstractID3v2FrameBody body)
Creates a new ID3v2_4Frame object. |
ID3v2_4Frame(ID3v2_4Frame copyObject)
Creates a new ID3v2_4Frame object. |
ID3v2_4Frame(Lyrics3v2Field field)
Creates a new ID3v2_4Frame object. |
ID3v2_4Frame(java.io.RandomAccessFile file)
Creates a new ID3v2_4Frame object. |
Method Summary | |
boolean |
equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns true if this object and its body equals the argument and its body. |
int |
Get the size of the item, in bytes. |
void |
read(java.io.RandomAccessFile file)
import java.io.IOException; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; read from current file pointer position. |
void |
write(java.io.RandomAccessFile file)
Method to write this object to the file argument at is current file pointer position. |
Methods inherited from class org.farng.mp3.id3.ID3v2_3Frame |
setAlterPreservation |
Methods inherited from class org.farng.mp3.id3.AbstractID3v2Frame |
getIdentifier, isValidID3v2FrameIdentifier, readBody, toString |
Methods inherited from class org.farng.mp3.AbstractMP3Fragment |
getBody, isSubsetOf, setBody |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait |
Field Detail |
protected boolean dataLengthIndicator
protected boolean unsynchronization
Constructor Detail |
public ID3v2_4Frame()
public ID3v2_4Frame(ID3v2_4Frame copyObject)
public ID3v2_4Frame(AbstractID3v2FrameBody body)
public ID3v2_4Frame(AbstractID3v2Frame frame)
public ID3v2_4Frame(boolean readOnly, boolean groupingIdentity, boolean compression, boolean encryption, boolean unsynchronization, boolean dataLengthIndicator, AbstractID3v2FrameBody body)
public ID3v2_4Frame(Lyrics3v2Field field) throws InvalidTagException
public ID3v2_4Frame(java.io.RandomAccessFile file) throws java.io.IOException, InvalidTagException
Method Detail |
public int getSize()
in interface MP3MetadataItem
in class ID3v2_3Frame
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
id string.
in class ID3v2_3Frame
- object to determine equality of
public void read(java.io.RandomAccessFile file) throws java.io.IOException, InvalidTagException
in class ID3v2_3Frame
- file to read from
- on any I/O error
public void write(java.io.RandomAccessFile file) throws java.io.IOException
in class ID3v2_3Frame
- file to write to
- on any I/O error