Uses of Class

Packages that use ID3v1
org.farng.mp3 Start with AbstractMP3Tag or MP3File 
org.farng.mp3.id3 Start with ID3v1, ID3v1_1, ID3v2_2, ID3v2_2Frame, ID3v2_3, ID3v2_3Frame, ID3v2_4, or ID3v2_4Frame. 

Uses of ID3v1 in org.farng.mp3

Methods in org.farng.mp3 that return ID3v1
 ID3v1 MP3File.getID3v1Tag()
          Returns the ID3v1 tag for this object.

Methods in org.farng.mp3 with parameters of type ID3v1
 void MP3File.setID3v1Tag(ID3v1 id3v1tag)

Uses of ID3v1 in org.farng.mp3.id3

Subclasses of ID3v1 in org.farng.mp3.id3
 class ID3v1_1
What is ID3v1.1?

Methods in org.farng.mp3.id3 that return ID3v1
 ID3v1 ID3v1.getID3tag( file)

Constructors in org.farng.mp3.id3 with parameters of type ID3v1
ID3v1(ID3v1 copyObject)
          Creates a new ID3v1 object.
ID3v1Iterator(ID3v1 id3v1tag)
          Creates a new ID3v1Iterator object.