Uses of Class

Packages that use ID3v2_3
org.farng.mp3.id3 Start with ID3v1, ID3v1_1, ID3v2_2, ID3v2_2Frame, ID3v2_3, ID3v2_3Frame, ID3v2_4, or ID3v2_4Frame. 

Uses of ID3v2_3 in org.farng.mp3.id3

Subclasses of ID3v2_3 in org.farng.mp3.id3
 class ID3v2_4
             ID3v2 is a general tagging format for audio, which makes it possible
   to store meta data about the audio inside the audio file itself.

Constructors in org.farng.mp3.id3 with parameters of type ID3v2_3
ID3v2_3(ID3v2_3 copyObject)
          Creates a new ID3v2_3 object.