Uses of Interface

Packages that use MP3MetadataItem
org.farng.mp3 Start with AbstractMP3Tag or MP3File 
org.farng.mp3.id3 Start with ID3v1, ID3v1_1, ID3v2_2, ID3v2_2Frame, ID3v2_3, ID3v2_3Frame, ID3v2_4, or ID3v2_4Frame. 
org.farng.mp3.lyrics3 Start with Lyrics3v1 or Lyrics3v2 

Uses of MP3MetadataItem in org.farng.mp3

Classes in org.farng.mp3 that implement MP3MetadataItem
 class AbstractMP3Fragment
          This class represents parts of tags.

Methods in org.farng.mp3 that return types with arguments of type MP3MetadataItem
 java.util.Iterator<MP3MetadataItem> MP3Tag.iterator()
          Get an iterator over all tags available.

Uses of MP3MetadataItem in org.farng.mp3.id3

Classes in org.farng.mp3.id3 that implement MP3MetadataItem
 class AbstractID3v2Frame
          This abstract class is each frame header inside a ID3v2 tag
 class ID3v2_2Frame

The headers of the frames are similar in their construction.

 class ID3v2_3Frame

The extended header contains information that is not vital to the correct parsing of the tag information, hence the extended header is optional.

 class ID3v2_4Frame
             All ID3v2 frames consists of one frame header followed by one or more
   fields containing the actual information.

Methods in org.farng.mp3.id3 that return types with arguments of type MP3MetadataItem
 java.util.Iterator<MP3MetadataItem> AbstractID3v2.iterator()

Uses of MP3MetadataItem in org.farng.mp3.lyrics3

Classes in org.farng.mp3.lyrics3 that implement MP3MetadataItem
 class Lyrics3v2Field

Defined fields